• Al & Freddie - Born A Freeman / Roy Richards - Dirty People (Studio One / Rock-A-Shacka)

Being a youthful Al Campbell and Freddie McGregor.  This fabulous song, like the equally wonderful Freedom Justice & Equality by the same pair but credited to Alf & Teep, was only ever issued on a white label emanating from the UK based Fab label circa 1971.  Lost for years, these titles became highly sought-after trophies, original copies, whenever they came up commanding three figure sums until now there is one copy for sale on Discogs at an eye-watering £1779!  Now, at last, you can own one for a tiny fraction of that price. 

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Al & Freddie - Born A Freeman / Roy Richards - Dirty People (Studio One / Rock-A-Shacka)

  • Product Code:new
  • Availability:In Stock
  • £10.00