Vic meets the beautiful but demanding Ingrid and learns about love, lust
and life the hard way in the industrial north of the 1950s. Along with
Alan Sillitoe, John Braine and Keth Waterhouse he is considered one of
the pioneers of the 1960s school of northern literary realism. Stan
Barstow's landmark 'Brit-Lit' novel of the sixties immortalized Vic
Brown, the amiable working-class lad from the North and led the way for
author's like Nick Hornby writing similar slice-of-life drama.
First published in 1960, it has long been used as a set text in British
schools. It has also been translated at various times into a film of the
same name starring Alan Bates (1962), a television series (1973)
starring Clive Wood, a radio play and a stage play.
A Kind of Loving - Stan Barstow
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